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Go to Course 

Access the high-energy video course instructed by Scott Payne, designed to simplify PMP® Exam concepts and equip you for exam success.

Exam Simulator

Take quizzes spanning all areas and groups.
Tailor practice, review answers, and gauge performance.

Discover All PMP® Video Content

Video Library

Seamlessly navigate our comprehensive video library, featuring full course videos, edited content, and exam simulator videos.

Build Your PMP® Application

Application Genie 

Input your information into our Application Genie and effortlessly create your PMP® Exam application.

Live PMP® Group Coaching Calls

Weekly Live Group Coaching 

Participate in our weekly live group coaching sessions to ensure you're on the right path towards achieving your PMP® certification success.

Join the Orientation Session 

PMP® Orientation Session

Join this weekly session to ensure you're set up for PMP® success.
Every Monday at 8:30 PM EST.